♥ PR pertama dari Diana Ang, Mell's sama Ziehan
This is the rules :
1. Take a recent photo of yourself OR take a picture of yourself RIGHT NOW
2. DON'T change your cloth. DON'T fix your hair, just take a picture
3. Post that picture with NO editing
4. Post this instruction with your picture
5. Tag 10 people to do this
bukan recent foto sih emang..tp ini foto pertama kali sejak henpon aku di format, yg bikin semua data (termasuk foto) yg belom kesimpan di laptop pada ilang *sigh*.
♥ PR kedua dari Diana Ang lagi (thx say) sama dari helena

the date figure? Let us know what your unforgotten periods have!"
RULES : 1. Everyone who get this award are obliged to write their recent love story & these rules in their new post. 2. Everyone who get this award are obliged to tag 7 of your friends who have an unique love story to be shared then they must do what you do as well.
NOTES : These award are under license of Cindy Perdana Computeria & Fediani Putri Andarini so you must certify that you have the right to distribute & you do not violate the rules. Contact person: Cindy (candle) /Fediani (hana)
udah 3 minggu ini aku sama mas tony sepakat untuk selesai. ga jelas juga sih sebenarnya hubungan kita selama ini. udahlah ga mau bahas panjang lebar di sini. selama 3 minggu ini emang ngerasa beda aja sama dia. mungkin perasaan kita sama-sama ga kaya dulu lagi (alah)... satu hal yg pasti bukan karna siapa. yawda akhirnya kita berdua mutusin ini yg terbaik.
sedihkah aku ?? engga
bahagiakah aku ?? engga
i don't feel anything.
♥ PR ketiga dari deenar
the rules...
1. Put the logo in your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who shared it with you.
3. Pass this award to your BLOG LOVER Friends.
4. Add your link to the list of participants below.
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.
makasih semuanyaaaaa
lega akhirnya semua PR berhasil dikerjain
Ika, aku ganti leot yg XML...^^jadi nostagia ney sama baru2 ngeblog...
Hay, Happy new year yach..
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