who has watched iklan clear?? the star is rain, korean-actor.
i wanna scream loudly, when i see him on tv. Finally, aq bisa liat di TV everyday and everyminutes. THX, GOD!
look, he's so wonderful. KWERRRREN banget...banget...banget. the hottest hunk-nya ASIA gitu looooh!!!
his eyes, his, body, his style, his lip, his voices. Damn, he' so COOL.
(coba de liat sampe iklan selese, and you'll know what i'm talking about)

look!! siapa coba yg bisa nolak temptation kaya gini.
orang BODOH aja yg bilang kalo he's not a hottest man
iklan terbaik dari sampo mana aja yg pernah ada. sekalipun clear ternyata bukannya menghilangkan ketombe, tapi justru penimbul ketombe. setuju gaaaa????
do you know when he said "my name is rain"?? i wanna shouted to him "yes, you're my rain. and i'm so in LOOOOOOOOOVE with u"
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