The aims of this award:
- As a dedication for those who love blogging activity and love to encourage friendships through blogging.
- To seek the reasons why we all love blogging!
- Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it.
- Don’t forget to mention the person who gives you the award.
- Answer the award’s question by writing the reason why you love blogging.
- Tag and distribute the award to as many people as you like.
- Don’t forget to notify the award receivers and put their links in your post.

awalnya sih ikut-ikutan sodara (mbak prima) yg udah duluan punya blog, trus baca-baca postingannya, jd pgn punya juga. terus blogwalking kesana kemari dan bisa kenal banyak tmn2 blogger, yg keterusan jd tmn2 di FS ato di FB, hehehe. selain itu juga buat tempat cerita2 hal2 ga penting sampe yg penting (dan berat), juga jd ajang narsis, apaaaa aja di foto terus di upload, termasuk akuuuuu. hehehe.
award ke dua masih dari Di-Ang ^^ dan Onnie, makasih..makasiii

di terusin ke: Ajeng, Deenar, Dara, Onnie, Mba Delia, Farah, Pupuy, Kak Ika, Amell, Qent. Bebas mau ambil award yg mana aja, kalo udh punya award yg pertama ambil yg award ke dua yaaa.

award ke dua masih dari Di-Ang ^^ dan Onnie, makasih..makasiii

- Put the logo on your blog or post
- Nominate at least 10 blogs which you think are FABULOUS
- Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
- Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog
- Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award
di terusin ke: Ajeng, Deenar, Dara, Onnie, Mba Delia, Farah, Pupuy, Kak Ika, Amell, Qent. Bebas mau ambil award yg mana aja, kalo udh punya award yg pertama ambil yg award ke dua yaaa.

pertamax dulu
selamat ya buat awardnya,hehehhee,
makasih, Sayang, atas award-nya.. dipajang langsung yah ;)
>> sino: harus ya pertamax, keduax, dan ketigax?? eniwe thx de buat komennya ^^
>> mba del: wuah seneng deh aku langsung dipajang :)
makasih awardnya . aku ambil skrg ya :D
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