here there:
Ok, here's how it works...go to Google and type your first name and then the rest of the question. Make sure the phrase is in quotation marks. Type the first thing that corresponds - or the first one you like. These can get a little wild!
1. Google ''[your name] needs'':
IKA needs a JOB!!!
2. Google ''[your name] looks”:
IKA looks pretty awesome
3. Google ''[your name] likes'':
IKA likes candy
4. Google ''[your name] says'':
IKA says:kangen temen" kuliahh
5. Google "[your name] wants"
IKA wants that guy she says that
6. Google ''[your name] does'':
IKA does not have any Contacts at this time
7. Google ''[your name] hates'':
IKA hates pills
8. Google ''[your name] can'':
IKA can be downloaded *grin*
9. Google ''[your name] goes'':
IKA goes to online
10. Google ''[your name] is'':
IKA is on a distinguished road
11. Google ''[your name] loves'':
IKA loves good stories, music
wanna try?

bisa ku ambil ngga peernya ?
lucu pe er nya :D
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